Where to travel in the USA – based on your zodiac sign

Aries – Boston

Aries, yes. You pursue life with enthusiasm, impulsivity, and naive optimism, like the Pilgrims who arrived in Massachusetts in 1620. They died in large numbers. But the rest established the New World well.Simple in life, you dislike superfluous nuance and speak bluntly like Bostonians.

Taurus – Las Vegas

Zodiac signs aren't my specialty. After talking to Gwyneth on zoom this morning, I learned that Tauruses are consistent, ambitious, and mentally tenacious, but they can also be crazy and take pleasure to the extreme.Taurus, what better place than Sin City? 

Cancer – Hawaii

You're a crab Cancer when other star signs are lions, archers, and sh*t? That’s tough. You merit a good destination. Hawaii sound? With its clear waters and white sand, this is nirvana. It's passionate, beautiful, and home-protective like you.

Gemini – Miami

Impulsive and extroverted, Gemini, you never bore. Consider that you share much with the hot city. Shop Lincoln Road, party in Little Havana, or relax on subtropical beaches. Magic City can satisfy your ever-changing whims like no other destination.

Leo – New York

An easy one. Leos champion leadership, performance, and popularity. Doesn't New York wonderfully capture this ballsiness? Like you, this city does everything large with flair, celebrity, and a f***k you attitude.So grab your most regal trench coat and attack the Big Apple. 

Virgo – Chicago

Humble but smart and hardworking Virgo, visit America's undervalued city. Chicago is the third most populated city in the US, but its culture, art, and pizza make it worth a visit. 

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