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Try to celebrate this Halloween in WYTHENSHAWE HALL – Haunted House

Try to celebrate this Halloween in WYTHENSHAWE HALL - Haunted House

Try to celebrate this Halloween in WYTHENSHAWE HALL – Haunted House: In Wythenshawe, Manchester, England, a 16th-century Tudor home is known as Wythenshawe Hall. Westward are Altrincham, eastward are Stockport, and northward are Manchester City Centre, which is five miles away.

Even though Wythenshawe Hall’s ghosts receive little media attention, there are still paranormal activities taking place there. There have been reports of a White Lady, monk apparitions, poltergeist activity, and more.


Many people claim to have seen a white lady who is rumoured to haunt the hall. A visitor to the hall and her daughter saw the White Lady in person on one occasion in 1991.

After spending an hour examining the artwork and furnishings in various areas, they made the decision to ascend to the second floor to see the bedrooms. They both heard what appeared to be a woman sobbing as they ascended the stairs.

They caught sight of something out of the corner of their eyes as they looked into it. They both turned to observe a woman enter one of the bedrooms after leaving the hallway wearing a long white dress.

They assumed it was a tour guide or some sort of reenactment. The room was vacant when they both entered after the woman. There was just one door in the room, contrary to what they both assumed there must be. The woman had vanished without a trace!

Many people think the spirit of Mary Webb, a former servant of the hall in the 1640s, is the woman in white. One of the lawmakers who surrounded the chamber was her fiance. Captain Adams shot him, and she shot and killed him in retaliation. He died as a result.

According to reports, the remaining soldiers invaded the hall and killed her. Mary is rumoured to be heard sobbing and scurrying from room to room while attempting to escape the soldiers and her impending doom.

Paranormal Activity

Staff members have reported hearing bangs, close-by footsteps and sporadic gunfire among other unusual noises.

A big tapestry once flew from the wall across the staircase and fell on top of two workers as they were heading downstairs after doing their rounds on the upper floors.

The light was still on in the library, so they both quickly stood up and ran there. After that incident, they didn’t stay at Wythenshawe Hall for very long.

The Library

There have been reports of strange dragging and shuffling noises emanating from the library. Investigating the sounds appears to silence them, and nothing ever seems out of place.

However, a warden found the heavy bookcase entryway leading to the servant quarters unlocked sometime in the 1980s despite closing it earlier in the evening.

Additionally, strange images of enigmatic beings, orbs, and mists have been captured in the library on a number of occasions.

Recent Reports

A former security guard came to us with this: Before the fire, WYTHENSHAWE HALL WAS BEING REFURBISHED IN THE YEARS 1998–2000.A really sorrowful crying was heard at around 2:30 in the morning, and I overheard it as a security guard.Two weeks later, I returned, and it had happened once more. I was completely ignorant of the hall before this.

It was quite painful to hear people cry. When I was in the courtyard for the first and second times, I looked around, but no one was present. It was so incredibly real.

We met in the open and when I mentioned it to the council security officers they said, “We know, but we don’t promote it because nobody would turn up to do the work.


Robert Tatton of Chester erected this massive timber-framed mediaeval house in 1540. There are still some old oak beams in the building, and there is painted plaster commemorating Robert Tatton and Dorothy Booth’s marriage in 1539. Four centuries of local history are commemorated in the hall.

Oliver Cromwell’s men, led by Captain Adams, attacked the hall a century later, in the winter of 1643/44. With the aid of more than 50 neighbours, employees, and tenants, Robert Tatton (the grandson of Robert Tatton & Mary Booth) successfully repelled the parliamentarians from his home for three months. Only when two cannons from Manchester arrived did he finally submit.The hall was taken by Cromwell’s forces, but after paying an enormous fine of £707.13s.4d, it was later given back to him.

The Tatton family lived there for more than 400 years when Robert Henry Grenville Tatton, the only male heir, sold the hall to Ernest Simon in 1926. The Manchester Corporation was then given the hall and its surrounding parkland by Ernest for “the good of the public”.

Since 1930, it has served as a museum, but recently Manchester City Council’s budget constraints forced it to close to the general public. The council has stated that they will reevaluate their stance once their financial situation gets better.

There is discussion about the National Trust buying the hall, which is one idea that makes sense given that this structure is an important part of history for both Manchester and England.

In 2012, a Friends Group was formed, and they now open the Hall on a monthly basis in the winter and on a regular basis in the summer.

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